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    Virtual Pets Gadgets

    Friendly Horse Virtual Pet

    This lovely horse pet is looking for a new home, please adopt it. This pet likes to play, eat snacks, and sleep. This friendly pet will keep you company through out the day and night. If you want to adopt this pet add it to your iGoole homepage. Once you have adopted the pet, you can name it and change its color by clicking on the settings icon. Pets make anybody happy!

    Adorable Chick Pet

    This adorable little chicken is looking for a new home, please adopt it. This pet likes to play, eat, and sleep. This friendly pet will keep you company through out the day and night. If you want to adopt this pet add it to your iGoole homepage. Once you have adopted the pet, you can name it and change its color by clicking on the settings icon. Pets make anybody happy!

    Friendly Tiger Pet

    This lovely tiger pet is looking for a new home, please adopt it. This pet likes to play, eat snacks, and sleep. This friendly pet will keep you company through out the day and night. If you want to adopt this pet add it to your iGoole homepage. Once you have adopted the pet, you can name it and change its color by clicking on the settings icon. Pets make anybody happy!

    Cute Hamsters

    This lively pet hamster will keep you company throughout the day. Watch him run on his wheel, drink water, and eat the food you feed him by clicking anywhere on the gadget. The hamster looks really adorable when he is sleeping. Make sure to take good care of it by feeding it and playing with it all the time.

    Friendly Kitty

    This friendly kitty is looking for a new home! She is really friendly and playful. She likes to play with her toys and eat a lot. Once you adopt this kitty you can change its name and color by clicking on the settings icon, you can choose a new name, color, and owner's name. She gets really happy when someone pets her so please adopt this strayed kitty.

    Cutest Animal Pictures

    Have pictures of the cutest animals right on your iGoogle homepage. Everytime you refresh the page you will see a different picture. These cute and friendly animals will keep you company throughtout the day. You can add more gadgets by clicking the plus sign.

    Cute Puppy Pet

    This friendly puppy is looking for a new home. Once you have adopted this pet you can feed it, pet it or just play with it. If you're alone, it will keep you company through out the day. This pet likes to play around and have fun. If you would like to adopt this pet just add it to your iGoogle homepage. You can change the color and name of your pet once you adopt it.


    1. This one is so nasty and over the top that it almost made me laugh. can-c

    2. How do you get them???????????????????????


    4. you can get the hamster on chrome apps but i don't get the rest

      1. Yeah, I have it on my Chromebook, but my school filter blocks the rest.

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