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    10 Amazing Supernovae Explosions

      Ever wondered what a supernova explosion looks like? Well, I'm about to show you the 10 most amazing supernovae explosions captured by the Hubble space telescope and other telescopes around the world.
    First off, let me explain what causes a supernova explosion.
    A supernova occurs when the star can no longer withstand the force of its own gravity. A gravitaional collapse occurs and the surrounding hot gasses are dispersed and the remaining particles are highly condenced, sometimes into black holes and neutron stars. There has even been cases where the black hole created swallowed the intense explosion before it could be seen.


    1. WOW!Mind Blow?! Are you serious? My mind can't Even Begin to grasp the enormous amount of energy, the power, the size, of such an event! For every action there is a re-action which, in some cases as my ignorant mind understands it to be-is a black hole. amazing and beautiful other than that, words fail me. Just "WOW"!... now, I know how it feels to be a flea.

    2. I know right! The universe is a giant place


